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Personal Device Use Policy


Foothills School Division provides technology resources that support learning for students. Students agree to the conditions of use listed in Administrative Procedure (AP) 144 Responsible Use of Technology each time they log onto the FSD Network using a school owned or personal device. Foothills School Division owns all network resources and has the right to monitor use of the network resources. All network resources are for educational use only and should be used responsibly. Students who discover material on the network that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable should report the material to a staff member. Students are responsible for the security of access (login and password) to their network resources. Consequences of inappropriate use of network resources could include loss of network privileges, withdrawal from a course, suspension, and financial liability for damages. Administration will involve the Director of Learning Technologies in cases where investigation into stored digital information is required.

  • The classroom teacher is encouraged to set clear and visible expectations regarding cell phones, music devices, laptops, chrome books, tablets, etc. for their classroom. These classroom specific rules must not contradict or lessen the school rules.
  • Personal device use is strictly prohibited in bathrooms and change rooms.
  • Personal device use is not permitted at lunch or recess for students' grades K-6. Students will be allowed to check their phones at these break times for important phone messages. Students may be invited to use phones (if available) for specific learning activities at the direction of the teacher.   
  • Filming, taking pictures, or recording of any person without their knowledge or consent is strictly prohibited.
  • Students are responsible for the safekeeping of their individual property and are encouraged to keep devices on their person or locked in their locker. In allowing personal devices on the school property the school assumes no liability for the loss or damage of the device unless it is in the care and control of a staff member.
  • Staff members, other than administration, should not assume the liability of caring for a student’s personal device.
  • Students will use the classroom or office phone if needing to communicate with parents during class time or communicate with/respond to parent texts during breaks when access to phones is permissible. If there is an urgent need to call/text outside of break times, or as part of an individualized safety plan, students may be granted permission by the teacher to use their personal cell phone.
  • Online correspondence between staff and students must be related to course work, or school sanctioned clubs/activities. Division staff shall not initiate or accept electronic “friend” invitations from students unless the networking is part of an existing school course or school club structure and at least one (1) other staff member has administrative access to the electronic social media group.
  • Staff will direct students to turn off cell phones in the event of an Emergency as per our Critical Response Plan.

Classroom Use

  • The intent of allowing personal device use in the classroom is to enhance student learning. Any decision to allow personal device use in a classroom is driven by function and purpose.   
  • Teachers will indicate, visually and verbally, when, and for what purpose, personal devices may be used in class. 
  • Teachers will provide guidance and clarification regularly as well as model responsible use of devices during class time.


  • Students will be made aware of, and regularly reminded of, the personal device use policy for Westmount School and specific practices for individual classrooms.
  • On the first instance of misuse the student will be asked to put their device away, out of sight, and silent.
  • On the second breach, the student will be asked to place their device out of reach or in their locker.
  • Teachers will communicate with parents, in a two-way conversation, if they have concerns regarding a student’s device use in class.
  • At the discretion of the teacher, the teacher may refer repeated, or flagrant, misuse of personal devices to administration.
  • Students who do not comply with the personal device use policy may lose their ability to bring a device to school or may be suspended from school.
  • Students accessing division owned computer networks via both personal and school-owned devices are bound by AP 144 Responsible Use of Technology

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