ATM: Assessment in Education: Striking the Balance
The role of assessment in education has always been multifaceted. As the Board of Trustees, we have witnessed firsthand the value that thoughtful, purposeful assessment can bring to student learning. Assessments are not merely tools for evaluation—they are cornerstones of growth, enabling us to identify gaps, celebrate successes, and support every learner’s journey.
Effective assessment is vital for developing strategies that advance student achievement and well-being. Based on assessment data, our division implemented a systemic approach to improving literacy and numeracy, which has yielded measurable success. We have intentionally allocated literacy and numeracy funding to support students from kindergarten to grade twelve through universal, targeted, and individualized instruction, supports, and interventions. Our multi-year literacy and numeracy plan has included professional learning opportunities and the training of staff in Alberta Education’s Literacy and Numeracy intervention program, with the goal of enhancing foundational skills for all students. These targeted resources and interventions have positively impacted outcomes, particularly for at-risk learners.
Beyond direct student support, this investment strengthened the professional capacity of our teaching staff through targeted professional learning and the dedicated guidance of Learning Coaches. Together, these efforts have enhanced our schools’ abilities to meet the diverse learning needs of all students.
Assessment is not a new concept for educators. Teachers, schools, and school divisions have always used various forms of assessment to inform instruction and support student growth and achievement. Layered on top of these local measures are the Government-mandated achievement tests, such as provincial standardized assessments. While they offer a broader benchmark, allowing for accountability and an overall gauge of the education system’s quality, they also bring challenges and limitations.
The paradox of standardized testing lies in its cost—not only in terms of financial resources but also the impact on teaching and learning. Administering and preparing for these assessments demands significant time and energy from educators, often detracting from their ability to focus on relationship-building and personalized instruction, particularly for our youngest learners. For teachers, whose primary goal is to foster growth and connection, the demands of mandated diagnostic assessments can create a tension between meeting administrative expectations and serving their students’ immediate needs.
This raises a critical question: Do the benefits of standardized assessments outweigh the costs? While these tests provide valuable data for accountability and systemic analysis, their impact at the classroom level can be less clear. From a resource allocation perspective, we must continually evaluate whether our investments in assessment—both formal and informal—are yielding the desired outcomes for students and supporting the broader goals of our education system.
As we reflect on the role of assessment, the Board remains committed to advocating for greater flexibility and influence at the division level to ensure assessments empower rather than burden students and educators. By advocating for a balance between accountability and meaningful learning, we can continue to build an education system where assessments empower educators and students alike, fostering success and well-being for every learner.
Yours in learning,
Theresa Letendre
Board Chair