Priority: Rural School Equity

Provide equity of opportunity and school-based services for rural communities
The Facts
- Funding for rural schools was changed in the 2020-2021 budget.
- Funding grants are now per-student, reducing the funding for low-population schools.
- Without adequate funding, schools cannot address the decline in enrollments, or offer adequate programming to retain students.
- Regardless of the school population, the building must be heated, insured, cleaned, and staffed.
- Equity does not equal equality. Schools need to be funded equitably to provide opportunities to all Albertans.
Proposed Solutions
- The 2023 Alberta Education mandate letter from Premier Smith advises:
- The exploration of "incentives to support the recruitment and retention of teachers, educational assistants and support staff in underserved areas of our province".
- Continuing "to implement additional educational assistants in our classrooms to address learning loss and the increasing complexity of learning needs".
- Expanded CTF/CTS options could attract and retain students and families in rural schools.